Sunday, August 26, 2012


So if you guys haven't seen already I am a    .COM   How exciting is that??

I am really excited about this new change I think it's just what I need to get out of my CrAzY funk although Im not out of it quite yet I still have a lot on my mind about the future and my family but honestly....... Blogging helps me get through it I love signing in and seeing how many people have viewed my blog and sometimes I even have Comments!!

Thank you all for your support!! <3 <3 <3

Also another change I have made this past week is my Etsy Shop!!!

I believe I have uploaded most of everything I can make and I have OPENED SHOP!!

Please don't hesitate to put in your order!! ; )

I am really excited about both of these things as I have been working on my Etsy shop for a while now!!

Finally it has all come together!!!

Also another change is my Instagram is now available to view on my Blog!!

This is probably my favorite thing!! I absolutely love Instagram!! I take a lot of pictures and just love uploading them to Instagram!! So you can also take some time to scan through those pics!!!!

I really owe my sister Ashley & my brother in law Michael a HUGE thank you!!

Ashley has been taking a lot of time out of her schedule to help me get everything set up....
My Blog
My Etsy
My PayPal
My E-mail

She was the one that designed my Blog & Etsy!!!!

Thank you Michael for being supportive through all of this and helping with my "names"

Both of you have been awesome in helping me out and I love you sooo much!!!

Super excited for whats to come!!!! I love blogging!!!


  1. Thanks!! Its very exciting!! : )

    By the way I have had the chance to visit both of the blogs your involved in "Forever Fabulous Mom" & "Parents Against Child Abductions" I like them both especially "Parents Against Child Abductions" its very informative!! Thank you for all the info. Very good to know : )
