Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Let your bellies and your heart be full!!
Image result for thanksgiving 2018

Take the time to get to know your neighbors and really have that family connection with those who you may not see regularly.

Also, please share in the comments some of your families traditional Thanksgiving items weather it be entrees or side dishes. 

Here's mine....
Green Bean Casserole
Pumpkin Roll
Macaroni Salad

I really love all of it!! 
Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday!!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Do You Ever Feel Like Your Never Enough?

Here lately we have been going through a bunch of transition with jobs, with home pretty much in everything! I feel like that is somewhat normal, as an adult I am trying to find my own way, trying to build my life and home up and put down some roots.

The problem is I don't have a clue! 

I thought I did, I thought I knew exactly where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be doing. But then things changed, people change! 

The more I grow up and the more I see Alyssa grown up I tend to question EVERYTHING!
Am I making the right decisions and I doing the best for my family, am I good enough?
Image result for exhausted mom
I don't know if you feel the same, maybe its just a woman thing or maybe its just me! Why do we always feel that we are never good enough or that we have to be better. 

This is such a haunting and exhausting feeling!!

Alyssa is such a sweet, smart and funny little girl so I must be doing something right, right?

I am 30!! 
I thought for my whole life by the time I was 30.... I would have it all figured out, I would own a home, have the perfect career that I loved and I would be content in my life, just sitting back relaxing for the years to come. Sadly my real life is far from that dream.

Maybe my expectations as a teenager/young adult were to high or perfect

Maybe its okay to not have it all together, maybe that is part of the adventure in life?!

Maybe now it's time to have new dreams or new goals, maybe by the time I'm 35 or 40.
Who knows?! 

Life is messy and hard, adulting is not all its cracked up to be after all!

Who Knows?! 

If you do, then tell me all the secrets!!