Sunday, August 19, 2018

Where Does the Time Go?!?

Hello All! 
I am so sorry for my absence, I am just struggling in the time management department with work, home life and spending time with my family I just have no idea where the time goes!

It seems like we are rushing to even get out of the house in the mornings so Lyss can catch her bus, then I go straight to work from there. When everybody gets home in the evening we are rushing as well, homework, taking care of our animals plus dinner!

By the time all of that is done, its now Lyssa's bedtime and after all of that 
I am exhausted!!

I do not know how people do it, I had the opportunity to join PTA this year at Lyssa's school and instantly was like No I barely have any time now, I cant take on anymore!!

I would love to just sit at home and relax, blog like every night and have these glorious home cooked meals, but that is just not my reality!! Some nights its chicken tenders and fries and some nights its frozen pizza! 

I'm sorry but it is what it is! 

Clearly, I need some help mommas!! I have tried planners and agenda books and even apps on my phone but I just get too distracted! 

Have you ever heard of the mom that went to wash the dishes but then saw the trash needed taken out but on the way to take the trash out decided to clean the living room because of course it was dirty as well, and then hours later the dishes still weren't cleaned LOL that is me 100% 

How do you all do it!!!??!!

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